Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pure Chocolate Corset

 Exploring the Corset - Day 6

This is real!

Corsets made from pure chocolate…. Not just one but two corsets made from chocolate.

chocolate corset Moscow
  This model is back stage in Moscow preparing for the runway at the Salon du       Chocolate show.

 This highlights a wonderful fashion innovation as well as extreme chocolate making skills.

 Notice the bows on the shoes are even made of chocolate.

    This delicious corset  is the ultimate in chocolate couture.

The Salon du Chocolate began 13 years ago. It is a showcase for hundreds of European chocolatiers where they let their imagination and creativity, go wild.

Although the biggest show is in Paris, there are also shows in New York, Tokyo and Moscow.

Fashion and Chocolate! What more do you need?

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