Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Plus Size Bras and Panties Blog turns one

Happy Birthday www.PlusSizeBrasAndPanties.blogspot.com
Today is my blog’s first birthday. I am thrilled to have arrived at this day.
When I began this project, I was so overwhelmed with the prospect of writing a blog about underwear only. My first thoughts were, “How on earth will I find enough to talk about?” Obviously that has not been a problem. I now have more to write about than time to write it.
This project has proven to be a source of enjoyment and fun for me. I love the research, the passing on of information, the interacting with great people, and spending time taking photographs.
I want to thank everyone who reads this blog and invite you all to come along for the next year.

Here is my birthday gift to my friends and followers
a gift certificate for 10% off any items at www.PlusSizeBrasAndPanties.com AND a free gift with your purchase.
Copy and paste this code into the check out discount box

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