Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well Travelled Bra

One of our customers phoned today, she has just come back from a holiday in Australia and yes this poor lady was caught in the delays by the Icelandic cloud, and she had quite a tale to tell....

Firstly she apologised for the length of time it had taken to return an item to us, the reason being that she had inadvertently taken it on holiday with her, so this package found its way to Australia visiting Melbourne, Canberra and Cairns. In the back of her car, Mrs C sent us a postcard to let us know that the return was delayed, however, it is not only people that have been delayed by the doomed cloud of ash, we are still waiting to see the view she has sent us.

Much more a problem for poor Mrs C was the return trip.....

All OK until Hong Kong and then the flights stopped, fortunately for Mrs C, the airline - Qantas – who she was travelling with, provided her with excellent 5 star hotel accommodation and an allowance to buy some clothes – she wisely made use of her environment and bought some silk trousers – made to measure – for £8 – what a bargain! And other items of clothing made from silk whilst her bags were kept under lock and key by the airline. Each night a slip of paper was popped under her door asking her to be ready for an early morning call at 5.30am as she may be travelling on the 7.30 flight the next day.

Now Mrs C prides herself on her appearance and did not want to put on her full make up that early in the morning, so each night she went to bed with full make up on just in case that call came and tried very hard to stay sleeping on her back so as not to smudge any of her make up – this went on for 6 nights and on the 7th Mrs C decided that she wanted a restful nights sleep so took all her make up off and guess what? Yes that call came at 5.30am – isn’t that always the case!

The trip through the airport lounge is one that Mrs C is not going to forget, there were people sleeping all over the place and of course there is always someone trying to take advantage of the situation a mother and her two small children one 18 months old and one about 4 years old, had to rent a sleeping bag at £60 per night – it really is unbelievable how cold hearted some people can be.

Mrs C arrived home without any further event and telephoned the office with her apologies for the late return of the bra, however her story has been so entertaining it has been worth the wait and I thought you might be interested in it too.

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