Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ladies Charity Lunch A Resounding Success

I am delighted that the Ladies Lunch event held in Scarborough in aid of Air Ambulance’s Bag It Up campaign where I was the guest speaker has raised a staggering £1115. Thanks to the 80 ladies who attended the lunch and all the organisers, what a great event raising money for a very worthy cause. I really enjoyed being guest speaker.

Bra recycling will continue to help raise funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and so I am encouraging my customers to keep their unwanted – or ill fitting bras and take them along to the supermarket where you will find a bra recycling bin. Collecting second hand clothing is now an established way to raise funds, however bras are worth more that other garments due to the huge demand for them, particularly in West Africa, where local women find it difficult to buy used bras at affordable prices.

My thanks to all of you who have recycled your unwanted or ill fitting bras.

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