Monday, January 11, 2010

Why the neckline is so important

All day yesterday I wore this sweater (over the Carissa Rose Farrah Shell in persian red) I received for Christmas.  After wearing it twice the tie broke so I had to wear it completely buttoned up with the cowl neck, as opposed to just buttoning one button and cinching the waist with the tie.

As I walked the cowl neck had a life of its own.  The thing bounced each time I took a step.  I guess resting on a FF bust was just too much of a spring board for it. 

Which segues us into the neckline discussion.  The neckline is important (in addition to no cowl necks allowed) because if its too low, "you look like a sl*t"! At least that's how one client put it. She followed her comment with, "if I get something that fits the neckline and bust, then I just look chubby because its big in the waist". And she is a curvy Italian, size 4 SW (small well-endowed) in our line.

Even wear to work pieces have necklines so low that they require wearing the ubiquitous camisole, which adds extra bulk, which is usually unwanted bulk.

Over to you, what are your neckline pet peeves?  Or better yet, what are the necklines you feel good in and enjoy wearing?

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