Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas

Months ago I read "Professional Pattern Grading for Women's, Men's and Children's Apparel" by Jack Handford.  His dedication reads as follows:

This book is dedicated to all those who share my philosophy that clothing is truly one of our necessities, along with food and shelter; but that food, regardless of the thought and care that goes into its preparation, is ephemeral and only the memory of it remains; that shelter represents an expensive and generally long-term investment that is not easily changed to suit our shifting moods. 

On the other hand, clothing can be as disposable as we wish, quicklky changed according to our needs and within a wide range of prices - and the pleasure and satisfaction that comes from wearing a well-designed, well-constructed and well-fitted garment of appropriate material can out live the most magnivicent meal without representing the expense or permance of housing.

Lovely, lovely, lovely.  I am likeminded with Mr. Handford and his sentiments.  Wearing clothes that we feel wonderful in is a more-than-positive experience.  It elevates our mood and we perform better.  That is our goal in designing clothes for women with large breasts.  We want you to look and feel your best.

I hope this holiday season you have the perfect mix of good food, warm shelter and excellent clothes that fit you well.

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