Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lessons from Christmas Shopping Men

Christmas Eve is 3 days away and most men are starting their shopping. I know this because I was among them yesterday doing my Christmas Shopping. I was considering a beautiful item as a gift and chose to wait and contemplate the purchase then come back if I could not find anything more stunning. I find it interesting to consider the difference in style as to how men and women operate.

As I was walking out of this large store a gentleman and his young teen daughter brushed past me. I could not help over hearing his comments to his daughter.

“If you want something for Mom get it now. This is the first store I have been in for Christmas and it is the last. Today is it.”

This comment struck me like a thunderbolt. As women we spend so much time making everything perfect. We deliberate over the best gift to give everyone. We spend hours decorating, planning, cooking, shopping, wrapping and creating the festive atmosphere.

All that in addition to work, kids, pets and running the house - No wonder the holidays are exhausting!

Both genders could take some hints from each other. Perhaps some men could put in additional effort and as women we could reduce our effort - slightly. Was it really necessary for me to think about my purchase and go back to buy it? Because you know I did go back. So that was 2 trips for 1 gift. Not time efficient!

Women truly create the holidays but how much can we do?

I hope the shopping gentleman’s wife enjoys her “get it now”, one day, one store gift. I really have to rethink my shopping style next year.

Owner/Designer & Fashion Consultant
Plus Size Bras, Plus Size Panties, Plus Size Shapewear, & More

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