Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BBC 2 Money Programme, Looking For People To Discuss Attitudes To Money

I have just received an email from the BBC who are making a three-part documentary series for BBC2 about Money. They have approached Ample Bosom as they wondered whether customers of Ample Bosom might be interested in talking to the BBC.

The aim of the series is to explore personal belief systems and attitudes towards money, and to paint a clear portrait of spending habits in the 21st Century. It will explore how people feel about money and how people manage their finances.

A BBC documentary series would like to talk to you

about success and wealth.

We are researching a television series for BBC-2 and would like to talk to individuals about their value systems and attitude to wealth.

The aim of the series is to paint a portrait of attitudes to money in Britain today.

We are looking for contributors who would be willing to talk about their personal belief systems and attitudes towards their finances.

At this point, we are simply hoping to have confidential research chats with people over the phone.

To find out more, please get in touch in confidence.

Email: tara.okelly@bbc.co.uk
Tel: 0207 557 2358

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